Tuesday, February 23, 2010

devotion to duty

i was at the office until 9pm today. definitely the latest i've been stuck in the office for something not directly work-related. see i'm part of a creative team there, and i have 3 short video assignments to do. 'creative team' you wonder? well, i'll explain that on later posts.

the point i'm driving at is this: i would never stay until 9pm at the office doing work. as in work-work. the only reason i stayed late tonight was because the shots i wanted to take needed darkness, and i couldn't turn off the lights while people are still working. so there. talk about devotion to duty. but what duty? that's the question i've been trying to answer since i started working for "the man". how far am i willing to go to be productive? to do.. this?

i wouldn't want to dig deeper into this question because it'll reveal a more serious one: what the hell do i want to do with my life? so i'll put it on hold. (if only a soothing music tone would play right about now)

saw this comic strip online on www.xkcd.com --which offers short daily humor to my increasingly bland life--about the most devoted employee in the world.

and that just proves my idea that geeks will rule the world.

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